U might some time feel that life is bit boring now a days.. As if u have lost interest in everything.. Bored of same routine life.. U try to find a solution. u logged in orkut.. saw u r album full of photos. U try to refresh those memories.u try to recollect the last time when u r close friend called u.. Try to find why they forgot u so fast..
Happens with all.. specially when u r busy with u r work.. there is no time to have fun.. In case if u have time.. then no body to spend with.. no girl friends, no contact with old friends.. seems like u lost everything..
Now this is whats called a Problem!!!! and will definitely have so solution..
Best thing to do.. recall u r past days.. remember those precious moments which are priceless and see who made those moments memorable.. Got the answer!!.. Its the friends. There r many who have a tag of it.. but its not so.. Its not the new friends which u recently made in u r office , not on the orkut.. those r the old friends who made u r life worth living.. Never loose a grip on them.. call them.. It takes just a press of a button on the keypad of u r cell and there is no surprise if u see u r friend in same condition.. All have the same feeling ..
Life is like bank.. U have nothing to loose in life.U just have to en cash it.. takes a few moments but worth doing.. More u en cash more u get[:)]
Just one thing which everybody should remember.. Its not necessary that people should remember u always.. why don't u try first this time.. and iI bet u will get a call from u r old friends day after u called him.. thats what called a friendship.. Giving.. Its not just taking.. Keep smiling