Helllos... I am not
sure whether you all remember me. ?? .... Its me ..Suresh Shenvi here..
Remember those blogs..
Yeh… It was around 4 years
back.. When I made an effort to pen down the thoughts from my life.. my
entrance life.. and surprisingly .. I never thought it will reach so many.. I
mean.. today it gave me an identity. The best things.. it showed the ray
of hope for those who thought it will never happen.. I don’t expect all those
who got a seat will remember me.. but I am thankful to god.. every single day.. Yeh.. I made a difference.:)
It has been quite some time since I wrote down something.. and I guess I will meet your expectations this time too. But I do feel that most of the things are much clearer now than how things were before few years back.. well.. one things hold true for sure…EYERYTHIING CHANGES EXCEPT CHANGE” J
My best advice is not to
leave a single book which has been
recently a source of the mcq for the entrance book..
There are lot many books
own DENTEST which has been recently
updated fully with complete new look.. we did include the latest topics..
framed new questions.. reduced the number of mistakes
The Dental bytes volume III containing almost all the latest papers.The papers are totally different from the old version of dental bytes or any other books
The sixth edition of dental pulse and the new dental explore is released too
I did hear that the recent ortho questions were lifted from MCQ IN ORTHODONTICS BY Dr.Jitendra sharan. Well I do feel one can expect a lot from this in the next exam too.
Leaving even a single book gonna make a big difference and we all know. One has to work hard now.. Remember.. There is no shortcut to success!!!
Well.. I don’t want to drag this anymore.. This exam should not
be a big deal for some one who has a courage to face the challenges of the
world.. Doing an MDS should be a dream of own.. and its only then you will end
up making it a reality.. just getting an seat is not important. World is too competitive.
. getting a good branch.. good college..
most importantly good guide .. that’s the most imp aspect of any post graduate
[*Will be updated regularly for the latest info]

It has been quite some time since I wrote down something.. and I guess I will meet your expectations this time too. But I do feel that most of the things are much clearer now than how things were before few years back.. well.. one things hold true for sure…EYERYTHIING CHANGES EXCEPT CHANGE” J
Although I might be bit old
in the field in of entrance now.. but even today I am still trying my best to
show students the right way of preparing for the same. And. I am still in
young anywayJ
I am not gonna tell you more about how to prepare about for MDS entrance. You can always google about it and I am sure you will find my blogs on many sites... but I will surely try to explain how things have been changing from past 5 years in the field of exams , to the fee structure.. and the attitude of the student too..
I am not gonna tell you more about how to prepare about for MDS entrance. You can always google about it and I am sure you will find my blogs on many sites... but I will surely try to explain how things have been changing from past 5 years in the field of exams , to the fee structure.. and the attitude of the student too..
It has been quite some
time.. or may be a year since the students have been wondering about National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) for Postgraduate
Dear friends.. I feel surprised when students ask me about the NEET... Well..
in a way they are right too.. but does the exams really matter at the start of
preparation..I don’t think so.. if someone has read for whole year he
will be strong enough to face any kind of change.. opportunity only dances with those who are already on the dance floor…
are you on the dance floor?
I am sure .. there is lot many info on many website.. they all make you
feel as if the NEET is something so different from any examination and inturn
they make students feel more stressed
just after hearing about it..
Chalo.. lets make it simple ..NEET.. its almost similar like any AIPG EXAMINATION which earlier used to include
seats of the government colleges.. but
now.. the same result will be applicable for all the colleges all over India..
Yeh.. SINGLE CET.. its that simple. Basically
it means that one exam for all the total MDS seats in the India.
I do feel that its going to benefit in a lot many ways.. but it does have its own disadvantages.. but when it comes to students.. Do you really think that’s gonna make a big difference in the success of the students in the field of entrance.. I don’t.. Infact I feel it will be challenging to students.. it’s a new pattern.. single exam.. still the same reservation policy and higher fee structure. When is that gonna change??
I do feel that its going to benefit in a lot many ways.. but it does have its own disadvantages.. but when it comes to students.. Do you really think that’s gonna make a big difference in the success of the students in the field of entrance.. I don’t.. Infact I feel it will be challenging to students.. it’s a new pattern.. single exam.. still the same reservation policy and higher fee structure. When is that gonna change??
For those who have read whole
year.. do you really think that giving extra 2 – 3 exams will be more
stressful.. I indeed feel that giving multiple exams will strengthen the way
the student gonna think for next exams.. . that means you do have an
option still if you don’t perform good in one.. Which is quite good in a way..
there are many times where a students might not perform good or able to appear
for that exams.. it does feel harsh to
see one exam sealing the fate of many. But
we do need to understand that the same type of examination are conducted in the
other fields.. but this will only help when all the things are well managed and
well organized .. rather than just making it a big deal for any students and
not providing them with any complete idea regarding the same.
I do feel that there are
more challenges which needs to be addressed
like job opportunities, reservation aspect, financial support than just
simplifying the exam pattern.
But one big advantage of
conducting single cet is the uniformity in the exam pattern.. we all need to
agree for this fact for sure and I am sure.. the AIIMS institute has always
been stood up for same and it will.. this time too. We have no doubt for the
But I don’t think there is
any provision for challenging the questions here. Is there any?? . one will not
get a question paper.. the advantage of COMED..KCET is no more found in NEET
I have been getting lot
many mails. Lot many calls asking for the type of preparation for NEET. we all should know that,, we are not from the future... nobody knows how
it will be. A person will be lying a lot if he comments on the examination pattern when no one has
actually seen it once yet.. but one thing is for sure.. AIIMS gonna conduct
it.. This does mean that it will be somewhat similar to the AIPG examination.
But based on what I have been reading or hearing.. the answer is
YESSSSSSS. It needs a different kind of a approach.
Its gonna be quite similar
to the session wise exams on a computer.
Remember that MANIPAL examination.. . its quite different feeling and students are not much well versed with
the procedure Yet.. You don’t get much of a feel in answering the computer
based examination which is quite a disadvantage.
when it comes to the preparation aspect.. One should remember few points..
You Don’t have a second
chance!!! What does this mean for a student.. ?? ..This means .. you can not just read one book and go there.. and be a
topper.. Believe me.. you cant.. As the exams will be session wise.. the paper
will be set from a huge question bank..It wont be too much different from the
normal examination.. That’s basically impossible.. they do have to keep in mind
that students need to score atleast 50%.. atleast most of those students who
will appear for it.. no one can shift too far from basics. Do expect around 60 % repeated question from books.. directly or
indirectly. don’t even think of expecting a rank without entering the competition
without reading the old papers.. the whole entrance is based on one
simple fact.. read .. and Remember
is that enough??..
Believe me.. you gonna have
lot many new questions there.. right from the textbooks.. Chill..don’t be
scared here.. no one can go back and read all those big big textbooks in a year.. its
almost impossible.. I have been solving papers for the mcq books and I have
seen them lifting question from .. god
knows anywhere which is not related to most of us..
But does it really matter..
not at all.. one thing one should
remember that.. most of you will end up marking wrong in such new question. Guess
work never works in entrance .. especially when there is single exam and almost
all will appear for the same.. Almost all of you mark wrong. so ultimately you
are no different.. all are at an equal stage,, but what if you go wrong in one
or the questions which was there in a explanation part of an MCQ books.. well..
that gonna cost you too much… every single marks gonna make a lot of difference
as there is just one exams
those old days when students used to mark 200 of 200 question thinking that they
will get a rank.. if NEET does happen for dental then , you
will have to be very serious and very choosy in marking the answers.. each mark
gonna change your fate for sure.

There are lot many books

The Dental bytes volume III containing almost all the latest papers.The papers are totally different from the old version of dental bytes or any other books
The sixth edition of dental pulse and the new dental explore is released too
I did hear that the recent ortho questions were lifted from MCQ IN ORTHODONTICS BY Dr.Jitendra sharan. Well I do feel one can expect a lot from this in the next exam too.
Leaving even a single book gonna make a big difference and we all know. One has to work hard now.. Remember.. There is no shortcut to success!!!
The questions will be
single answer objective type. Similar to
any exam.. Each answer with correct
answer shall be awarded four marks. One
mark will be deducted for each wrong
answer. So it does have a negative marking..
Friends.. it has been 4
years I have been solving the papers.. I have seen one basic fact when it comes
to new question.. specially the dental part.
They ask you clinically oriented
questions now a days. For example.. most of them are lifted from the case based
kind of question.. like the latest modalities in the treatment..
Here is an example..
component of the triple anitbotic paste leads to discouration of tooth..Well
answer is surely Minocycilne. They do want to test your
updated knowledge, well. This is bit too much to expect.. but yes.. one will
surely find such info only if you read the new editions of the books ..so always
read the new edition.
Some are directly pick from
the latest MCQ textbook in market.. the only option is reading such imp mcq
books.. the authors take an outmost care while setting the question in the new
book.. and its mostly all new types of question.. so the examiners tend to lift
the same.. which is almost equal to lifting the questions from the textbook
itself… don’t be choosy in reading books.. you are
not the examiners.. isn’t it??
Interim Order by Supreme court NEET PG Case which told to Continue the Existing System. All Pg entrance exams by state and central Governments, and Institutions can conduct their Own Entrance tests.
Final Hearing on Jan 15, 16, 17..
We really don’t know what judgment it will be… but well.. what we do know is students should not waste too much of their time in reading the news than reading the textbooks.
Final Hearing on Jan 15, 16, 17..
We really don’t know what judgment it will be… but well.. what we do know is students should not waste too much of their time in reading the news than reading the textbooks.
Well.. I do feel that its
gonna be this year.. if not then next year for sure.. but we definitely don’t know whether there wont be other exams.. one
can always challenge the verdict and win the case.. so.. fingers crossed. But as
far as medical NEET.. its gonna be there for sure.. Dental.. well .. we need to
wait for the verdict.
You all must have already
been seeing the notification about the private colleges.. well.. I do feel that
one should fill all the form of private exams.. like comed.. manipal.. kle..
Why?? Well.. you never know when the thing change. anything
can happen here:P
The best thing one can do
at this stage is go fill the form and in
case there is no other exams.. it becomes mandatory for the respective
authorities to pay you back the
examination fees .. may be not in a month.. but you surely gonna get it after
few months. So why wonder about the
other examination when you can just fill it and concentrate more on studies.
is the NEET exmanination ?
Well.. here is the
projected time table.
Which is the official site for NEET PG MDS registration
imp before registering for NEET??
Well.. one has to read the
prospectus properly before filling the form… here is the link for the same
are the seats allotted ?
Well.. you get both all India
ranking and state wise ranking..its still
unclear about the way the private seats allotted
.. I guess we need to still wait for the right info which may be only available
after the conduct of examination.
there will be any change in fee structure ?
Well.. we don’t know how things will be.. especially when you
try to restrict the private colleges here.. we certainly can expect a hike of
fees in colleges.. marginally.. if not a huge.. but why fear. When still rank is not near.. lol :P
only aim at this moment should be getting a rank.. hoping to end up in a GDC ..
rest will follow.. after all everything happens for a reason.
final verdict.

Future comes once a day.. future
of NEET is still hanging in the Supreme court. And your future is with you
No one can write your success story..
its you whose holding the pen ..
write a beautiful one J
its you whose holding the pen ..
write a beautiful one J
[*Will be updated regularly for the latest info]
The author has written the blog with out-most care with a sole intention of helping the new aspirants and the views are completely based on the author's experience which might vary from individual to individual. Every care has been taken to put the correct information but opinions differ from individual to individual. Pls make sure u find the latest information about the various exams by few others who have cleared the recent exams .The author does not have any motive of publicizing the above mentioned books and the blog should not be taken as a marketing propaganda.