IT WAS Since Feb '06 WHEN I JOINED ORKUT ,ALMOST 4 YEARS NOW ..I made so many friends IN MY LIFE AND ON ORKUT TOO. AROUND 512 NOW, some became dearest, some became special, some went abroad, some changed their cities, some left us, we left some, some are in contact, some are not in contact, some don't contact because of their ego, we don't contact because of our ego,what ever they are, how ever they are ,, I will still remember , love, miss, care for them because of the part they played to make our memories..
ATLASS !! ohhh finally i have someone worthy enough for my appraisal!!!;)
suresh for me is a guy with true class that is cut apart from the rest of the crowd..
An extemelly intelligent,very sensitive,sensible,well mannered,to top it all very dignified human being...
ITS VERY HARD TO BELIVE BUT I DON KNW HOW I GOT TO MAKE FRENS WITH HIM.thanks to god for allowing me to make an effort to send tat one msg n v ve been frens frm then.we ve spent lot of time in the process of making good frens n i was truly blessed to ve him as my fren. thanks suresh for being ther..
a very different person who respects every view of the opponent,very calm n vivacious,ya sometimes emotional too.its hard if not impossible to fit you within 1024 letters from english alphabets;)BRAVO DUDE,3 cheers for this very FINE CHAP...
on the first look,looks very innocent neatly dressed n smiling face.but nothing could be farther from truth.he is a disguise in himself:)damn good person to talk with though we knw each other only a couple of mnths itseems lik i knw him frm yrs.thanks for being ther shenvi.hehe he doesnt lik me calling him shenvi thou.shenvi 4 anyone is a ready to help fren n u jus need to ask for it n he s ther for sure. to sum it up i wud lik to take the help of his frens testimonials down:)
truly one in Million-Zillion person..i owe my frenship to u forever ...i wish you all the very best for his future endeavours mr suresh wat do i get wat this very humble n honey coated testimonial ;)hehe... take care buddy.. stay in touch.. may god bless u with the best of best for ur life..In all sincerity- drpavi4u ;)hehe
Shenvi ,Doctor , its been a pleasure seeing you evolve from ashes to something that everyone covets so hard to be .
Each of one us is securing something all the time , nothing to materialize but i think you are the biggest insurance i have got for that one little premium paid long long ago .
Years are passing by but still those stupid things we did are so vivid & priceless . The rains , the cycle , that blue full shirt you totally abused , the football which was tired of you , the front seat at math and back row at chemistry , vada pav's , those contributed gifts , adventures , trips , tests , fights .. God i can go on !
There are no real short cuts , with all those eyes staring & asking questions .. he has stood tall , very few knowing the the amount of hard work he has put in & those restless nights that he has spent in dark rooms . Victory can never be so sweet when you discover that you have defeated yourself .
The energy that resides in him is just magical , hard to find some one always ready , literally !
The principles & values are very intact , never forgets to wear that smile , respects & commands respect , Greek gods have also blessed him ... hmmm that kind of makes you almost a perfect XY chromosome :P , just find a XX for yourself & rest will be just perfect :) .
Infatuation is often confused with Love , which completely signifies for its intensity but heavily lacks durability . There are no logical reasons as to why you cannot have apple, orange & mango too :) . Attraction is the law of nature and it is justified from the various other ends . Decisions can be wrong & will be wrong but be slow , sure & stick if you decide to take important ones
Have read a lot of nice things about friendship but friends like you , make the word more meaning full & valued . I know we are always there for each other & personally i would never be vocal about a lot of things but this testimonial has been due for long long time :)
22nd july Two thousand Ten
Smart, intelligent,scholy,humble,dedicated...polite..really really sweet guy I've come across...One who follows what he believes in..charismatic...A sign of excellence in all fields of life...
He has those three grand essentials to lead a happy life..something to do , something to love, something to hope for..An upbeat attitude towards life n behind that endearingly charming smile lies a warm heart thats there to lend a helping hand when needed...
May god bless u with all those u always wished for....cheers
Wel this has been pendin since long time. Shenvi hope u understnd m not very gud wit words. Wil try my best though. Here it goes. Hmm this world is very small. Does nt sound very right na. but I stil go by it cos u never kno whom u may meet frm ur past. Be it a co passenger frm a bus journey abt 20 yrs back!! Ya it happened wit me. 20 yrs back the bus i was travellin met wit an accident. whole bus turned upside down. was a bad one. v were just lucky to come out alive. n after hat my parents had a really tough time wen they had to get me onto a bus. cos i hated the thought of buses. wel thats my part of it. then nearly 15 yrs later I met this guy suresh on the day of admission. Al v spoke then was- casual vacancy?? he askd. I said ya. That’s it then v became frens. He was the next roll no after me in the 1st yr. n 2 roll nos after me for next 3 yrs. Though v were always together it took us 4 yrs to realise v had survived a bus accident nearly 15 yrs back.
n it felt really gud to meet someone who actually shared that experience wen there were times ppl dint believe my story of bus becomin ulta!! n thats one more way how v r connected other than bein batchmates!! wel to say abt him he's a great fren to be with.. he's a very patient listener ,always ready to help. a very sincere guy, hardworkin, n dedicated to watever he does. n above that very down to earth, n simple guy.
5 yrs has been quite a long time. v've shared many gud n bad times together n i hope it continues the same way. its really great to ve a fren like him. i sincerely wish u get al wat u desire n deserve n much much more:). n even ur miss right u've been waitin for;).
cheers dude:).. keep rockin:)
my first impression of dis guy i met 8months back ws-a gud lukin;),studious, intelligent,decent, n friendly guy ...n i still hold the same view n havta add vry hardwrkin 2 the list of adjectives.....
unanimously our grp has selected him as '' one of the most eligible bachelor of CODS'';)
hez sum1 who believes in learning new things n improving evryday-sum1 who wud break his own record wid each passin day!
has an amazin PR(personal rapport)-chek out d no f friends on his orkut profile.........he has a friend in evry dental college dwn south!! n d bst thing is he is able 2 maintain all his friends,goes outta way 2 help thm,remembrs bddays,wishes on evry occassion-dat's quite a feat! yes hez a tech n net savvy person-writes blogs, loves non veg,gymns, has no adverse habits.....gals thtz a gr8 package!(to all d single decent grls who read dis) ;)
hez nw in d process of learnin to loosen n relax n take life little less seriously......
gr8 goin my friend.....just take it easy bout impressions n wot ppl think bout u coz it hampers the process of self growth n prevents one frm living lyf to the fullest.
all in all hez a gr8 person wid gr8 aptitude n is here to do sumthin gr8 in life!!
bst of luck:)
keep up ur good work buddy...all d best...cheers to shenvi
Well.. i think to be of help to sumone,one dsnt need to participate actively..
The guy here proved this to me..while i was preparing for MDS,all my depressing days turned a little better when i read sm of his scraps(m so glad u kept them visible to all..!!..).. i used to be so scared of him.. infact i thot he wld definitely top in aipg.... my fears got all the more strength wen he got 18th rank in pgi and i got 30th..
After aipg was done with.. i sent him a friend request out of the blue and refused to tell him anything before his exams.. i just thot its his time to study and not waste time on silly things.. and voila.. he came out in flying colours with 6th rank in KCET.. and i owe him some part of my rank too....
so you see.. he wasnt there actively.. bt he helped me so much by just being the way he was.. without knowing that he is giving so much to some one.. and as he puts it.. making a difference..
thank you buddy for every single positive thought u brought my way..
so we have been friends now for quite a long time..and because i have been challenged with lets see how much you know me.... here we go..
this guy is a very sensitive and emotional person.... and what i love in him is his ability to always see the glass half full.... loves to write the story of his life in his blogs and help people by telling them that at one time he too sailed in the same boat....
i love to call him shenvi..(this is one thing u dont know shenvi..).. we have grown from strangers to good friends today.. i just hope we keep finding the time and spirit from our life to continue this forever..
multilinguistic shenvi has taught me some great kannada words too.... and i just hope i would be able to teach him some punjabi one day..
according to him i am "different".. in his words.."mujhe samajh nhi aata tha ye ladki kaisi hai..!!..".. haha.. bechara shenvi..
so shenvi.. this orthodontist wishes u all the luck for everything u do in life.. and as u said be in touch..always.. nhi to maar khaaoge..
and do come to punjab some time.. punjabi vi sikha deyaange te naale makki di roti te sarson da saag vi khilavaange.... shayad koi punjabi kudi pasand aa jaave..
good luck maga for everything.. to you and to your yet to come better half..
and becoz shenvi loves to put his name and date beneath a testimonial.. i will do this with all the due respect..
Mittali Sethi
"THE PERFECTIONIST" dats wht we call him.A truly dedicated person to whtever he does whether it be studies or any extracurricular activity. the editor and person because of whom we got our 1st college magazine 4 which he has undertaken mch pain nd pangas but he does wht he says..... thnks a lot 4 dat magazine bro......a frnd who always helped me in every matter but in case of studies hats off to you buddy i am very happy 4 u dat u got rank in alsmost al entrances .....a friend whos always ready to help others in all situations a frnds whom u can always trust.....but a bit short tempered nd impatient 4 whch he alwys ends up wth sme prblm but dat was always fun 4 us to sort out dis stupid things.........a person who has true feelings but always fears of expressing them ...he he i guess we all r like dat...thks a lot buddy 4 all ur help ......hope u get ur dream gal...........
This testimonial has been due for long..and well deserved too..
"Doc"(tats hw I call him) is such a lovely friend with a childish heart.A true inspiration for all medicos..Brainy and hard working wit over-supply of ATPs tat keeps him always charged(I call it over excited state!!) A constant gardener of thoughts..Fun to be with.. I wish him all the luck and may his wish of getting a MDS seat come true soon.My only advice for him is to think beyond the obvious( I hope u got it bro).
Its been wonderful journey dosta..Long live our love;-)
And never say no to our Goa trips...
S-sophisticated SURESH means SURE. trouble 4 SURE 4 me n SURE 2 do somethin 4
U-untold himself. I know him since 5 long yrs from 1st BDS days wen this
R-reasonable man used to hunt my mind daily for about 2-3 hrs daily apart from
E-estimated college hrs even during exam time.
S-sharp VENUE- roadside infront of my house
H-hunter SUBJECT- all the daily happenings of his great dissection table.
He virtually thinks a lot, more of unnecessary than wat is necessary. He s hardworking, punctual but lacks patience and is always on high moods, excited and eager to know the results before exams or to go somewhere before journey.
Dr.Nilesh Kadam
BOOSTER BOY.... as called by me :)
Dr. suresh shenvi, i dont know how to start and how to write this all stuff... but surely ur writing in blog definately inspired many like me ...... especailly that topic of journey of life :)
we met in nov 09 while travelling for aiims exam in train had a nice tyme in train.
then we cam on orkut chatted many tymes still that process is ON
later he got admission in KCET i was very happy since he was deserving AIPG actually but wht u called Destiny u cant changed ... but he cracked Kcet
he was always there for me whenver i had any doubt or any personal problem to share
people after getting PG admission actually forget near ones ,, but this man is somehting DIFFerent, he still helping MDS aspirant to clear their goal.. thats really a gr8 job ... I call him booster boy since whenever i was frustrsted with studies he was inspiring me all d tyme... thanks (shenvi)-- as called by his friends :)helping is his nature that ask nothing from u
thats very nice attitude. :)
many thing to write abt him.....
people already written so i ll not repeat same things
but yes
he always with some Qoutes caption in his orkut account which have some meaning for others to read
here is one for our friendship my friend
“Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.”
would like to c u on top of endodontist ...... :)
so ending this testimonial
***************ALL IS WELLLLL*********************
SPECIAL NOTE ---kuch grammatical errorrs rahenge surely ,,,,, KINDLY IGNORE :)
"Genius is 1% inspiration,99% perspiration" aptly suits Dr Suresh Shenvi!Being modest even at the pinacle of success, simplicity, diligence and sincerity are some qualities of him which i have discovered in a memorable association of 5 years. Suresh, U have beaten all odds n risen like a phoenix!M sure u wil reach great heights.
Wishing u success all the way.........
Dr. Vinayak(PT)
its hard to write nice things about ppl who dnt really deserve thm ,your testimonial for me exemplifies that..and really it is the most humble and overwhelming thing someone has ever said or written for me,im certainly nt worthy of such a praise :-)thanks suresh.
wtever you have achieved today is all bcz of ur own efforts and brain,and im sure this is just the has a lot to offer you in future, just keep ur arms open and welcome every opportunity.
be as you are,enjoy the new hostel life as much as you can:-)
always hoping to hear frm you.
do keep in touch.
i call him shenvi:) complete ENCYCLOPEDIA OF DENTISTRY
few words describin shenvi r SINCERITY,HARD WORKIN ,head amongst d DESCENT GUY in d class.n the one who keeps prescribin people ''LOAD NAI LENEKA'';)
to know more bout him one should have a glance over his evolution4m 1st pu t coll.............he's changed a lot (looks more smarter now)
he is d person whoz tried alot t change my attitude towards................?& is still tryin............
AND a person whom i like t irritate d most
Dr. sameer
mmm..this is shenvi as most of call short he is not completely but ha almost comparable 2 akshay s role in dch;serious in life n very calculative... he s a man of few words but can write a biography on each n every person he knows.
a short profile 2 know him better:
his hobby-studying
favourite passtime-studying
and guess wat does he do when he s bored-.... ya, u ve guessed it right..
he might give u a first impression of not being very different from the others but trust me he is special..
one thing which is common in him and the rest of my friends is just that he makes me feel lucky 2 have him as my dear friend..
Shital (Saraf)
in this case i need not think wat to write..bcoz its straight from my heart..he is one of my brother where i need not hesitate to talk wat i want to..he is open to all my view points and respects them too...i can look up to him any time..i know he is all ready to help me anytime i need caring..very very loving..lucky to get a brother like him..infact a best friend....thanks for everything SURESH...u r just the the same..u dont ever dare to change...
suresh ur sincere hard working guy n maintain what ur now..u have bright future ahead ..ur master of all just keep ur calm til u reach ur goal. brother want to see u as a famous orthodontist ..all the best ,,keep smiling
Dr Ashwini saraf
hmmm...wat 2 say bout suresh...i know him since 6 yrs when i ws in 10th...hes 1 of my sweetest cousin...he helps me a lot me he is very intelligent....hes a very nice human bein too...i like his way of livin he never luks back...he is very ambitious ...m sure he ll achieve everythin he wishes...all da best 4 future dear!!!!u r my buddy..
Vijay Malamande
S: smart
U: unbelievably talented
R: racy
E: energetic
S: steroid (lots and lot)
H: helping personality
and it doesn't end here...
he is one of my very good friend of mine... meet him daily and our conversation
never ends
The Performer.
this is shenvi sir the ultimate senior one can get.He is a cool guy as he guides u & also tells how to enjoy life while studing.A GREAT & ULTIMATE person. But amazingly for unknown reasons girls i think stay away from all my juniors plz stay in contact with him
hey guys this guy is nice, very short tempered, studies a lot lot lot, dont believe him when he says he is not prepared for exams. that means he has prepared a lot and is gonna top. hot topic for gossiping amongst girls.............
he inspires n inspires......a lot....really gud days very keen to enjoy...has changed a lots..for the better...a workaholic in my senior nw officially...b4 he was senior too but unofficially !!...he he
He is one my brothers and one of the best.He is my best friend and also a kind of a role model.He is a very cool person often jolly and always smiling.The first dentist in our family,because of him many people in the family is opting for dentistry.He is one of the best of my cousins.I should say he is a great person to be with when you are bewildered or sad.
enjoi mann......:)
MY BIG BRO"-definately the first dentist in our family and has many following his path.Has lots of courage,guts and is very hardworking and dedicated towards whatever he does.He will definatly soon become the most successful dentist in the city
Suresh Shenvi, my bro and my best friend, we two have always been side by side since time immemorial... an ace photographer, always keeps tinkering with wires and gadgets, is really good at fixing things, though he has taken up Dentistry, hope he puts his medical skills to use and really gives people a nice smile on their faces!
VANI of my best friend in my life.......first friend in my BDS life ........... very nice person by heart........suresh i dont know u get angry on me very soon na.....we both argue a lot in study long posting in final year we used to fight a first year i learned a lot from him.........suresh u r a friend and a teacher to me and u r the one who used u to tell me about my mistakes i am really thankfull to u for that........really hard working and very intellgent........i am really lucky to have u as my best friend in my life.......always keep SMILING ok.................
Suresh... a person wit die or do attitude... m happy he got wat he struggled for..Gettin pg seat in first attempt was his sole dream.... suresh is a hard worker, he can sit for hours man to study... which i need to learn frm him.. n above all a gud person n a gud frnd of mine....
wishing u luck in everything you do...
..wat 2 say ABT THIS GUY..k jst few words..wen i ws 1st year i hardly used 2 see any guys n he was among them..wit his front hair covering half of his forehead quite, innocent,dumb i think nt so much appreciable in studies n any activities ,used 2 manage bit by bit every1 always used to recognise him by his brother..days passed our final exams wer ahead atlast we finished... gt he was 2nd highest..i thnk every1 was wat to say... we stepped in 2nd yr his roll no was behind me,all d postings v were together.. i hav seen his hard work n pains he hd taken 2 reach his top goals but ha always in a right way,even though my name is SPOORTI bt always i was inspired by him...the guy who stepped so high in each yr n nw he is recognisd BY EVERONE by his own name SURESH D SHENVI no need a tag of his brother."u proved it SURESH a hard work n sincerity do have place in these days also".. now see his front hair its always above forehead..y nt he proved it..OOFH isnt a few words 2 describe him.
It was by shear luck that i got to know this guy,It was the time when i was all screwed up on how to prepare 4 mds,i didn't know any1 who had qualified.He is my seniour's fiance's frnd,was checking out their engagement pics when i saw his pic,i misunderstood him as 1 of mystaff member who had left college after marriage,clicked to find out,but turned out to b some 1 else ,found that he had cleared mds that yr,isn't that strange,i was looking all this while 4 some1 in my city n here by shear luck i found 1.I asked him 4 guidance n he was sweet enough to help me out after just 1 scrap,that is what he does to every 1 always ready to lend a helping hand to all n somehow he is not satsfied that he is there at the pinnacle of his success,but he wants every 1 around him to reach his heights so that he can share his success with them. Thats what this sweet frnd (read brother bcoz he is like that to me) is all about. U rarely find such awesome human beings around u,every where green eyed jealousy dominates.since my holidays,used to come online whenever i was bored, pretty often,used to find him online n v used to chat.He lifted me,guided me,when i was depressed motivated me to bring out the best in me so that i can b there where he is.Isn't that enthralling all that coming from a complete stranger,then he asked me to chek out his blog,i saw my exact replica,he is so much like me,v think on similar.I could relate to everything he wrote,understand each bit of it to full stop.Not only is he an awesome humanbeing but also a very emotional guy who knows that true happiness lies not in plain materialistic pleasures,he knows what makes life worth living and cherishes it.That is why he is crazy about his frnds.His buddies r extremely lucky that u have a true frnd like him,sometimes i think he cares more 4 u guys than himself.Do cherish this blessing n never lose this precious frnd.U r extremely lucky.GOOD LUCK 4 UR LIFE BOSS/BRO
LIFE WILL ALWAYS HAVE GOoD IN STORE 4 U ALL BCOZ U HAVE GOOD 4 EVERY 1, god is watching he will bestow his blessings on u always take care bro
Monday, January 18, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Life is unpredictable..

This time I was on the other side, conducting spotters, correcting those papers, helping students in cavity preparation, feeling bad when they did not answer that simple question when external asked him, that moment reminded me the way I used to hard work in studies during those BDS days.
I did feel that something special when the external said very good for our one of the student.. why not?? We r teaching them from last 8 months.. although I am not that close to complete that dream of becoming a teacher , but I do love that feeling of reaching one step closer to it.
Strange.. this time I did not have the feel of the exam at all. It was just like another day, a normal , but seeing juniors giving exam, was something different.
When you enter Pg. life is different, u r no more like a student to your staff, most of the time they look in different way, sometimes , like a friend, sometimes family, sometimes as if they know u from lot many days, and sometimes they do forget u r name so fast.
The exam was almost over, although students did not perform well, but I do realized that each persons is different, and u cant expect the same knowledge from each of them. U need to mold u r judging nature according to the studetns level.
When we were the student , we do feel angry on the examiner when he fails some one.. but today I was on the otheside now, and believe me , u feel nothing at all when u r shouting on student, u don’t feel anything at all when u r failing them, u don’t feel anything at all when u complement them , but those each act might provoke a tremendous response in the students, so magnified , It can lead to suicide or heart full of happiness.
It was afternoon, the external was a passout of the same college, I asked him,, sir were u staying in the hostel too during u r pg life,, He says with a big smile, Yes..Those were the best days of my life,Best 3 years.. one thing which observed .. nomatter how big u become in life but , u will always miss the college days, u will always miss ur parents, u will always miss the friends, the good time u had, u will surly cherish those the end he gave some cash to one old lady worker too, I guess she was there when he was a student here.. he did remember her .. isnt it?
Had a great time with him, having lunch, marking the scores in the final sheet, sealing them, burning all those rough copies so that nobody comes to know the marks, it was strange.. its like u trying to hide secret by burning the photos of u r loved once who never understood the way feel about them, just to convenience u r self that it never happened. But u still know , nomatter what u do,, u really cant hide the secret from urself ..isnt ?
I was tired , was working from morning 8 to 4.. I slept off in the hostel,, strange, was getting the calls from all those which I never expected..nothing feels great when u r half in sleep and u get a call from all those pals who made u r life worth, its like I was living a dream.
It was 7 . we all planned dinner on that night for the friends birthday, I was getting ready. Low waist jeans, red colour shirt, deo all around, fully shaved glowing face with that moisturizer over it, looked at mirror, checked my hairstyle, everything looks perfect. Wondering how life gave such a good look after 24 years. I smiled :)
A brought a gift rapper for the collage which I made for my friend, wrapping it.. was already late 20 min, friends were waiting for me downstairs.. roommate was tensed about his seminar, locked my room.
I Ran . was feeling great. Sitting in my co-pgs swift, listening to Michel Jackson songs, felt bad , told my friends that according to one paper he was actually murdered.. he was a legend, love his songs.
Picked up another co-pg, laughing a loud on the jokes, beating to the songs, guessing what others will be telling to us for reaching there late..
It was good to see all 11 together , celebrating the birthday, playing who, with whom doing what game, giving gifts and wishes, teasing one another, discussing some serious things.. Mind was too too active,, it was full of laugh, why not.. it was after somany days after we celebrating somebodies birthday in our group., U know, it feels good when u see at the birthday boy , or girl, although u r not actually boring again, but actually u getting old , for which u celebrating..strange right? But that day just gives u some special time in those 365 days of year, just to come out of that normal routine schedule of u r life, just giving some time to other to forget that old fights, the times, and to realize them that u still the same.. It feels good when u r the center of attraction on that day, feeling good isn't it?
We all loved the food, laughed together, just end the celebration with listening the song which the birthday girl dedicated for all of us.
Few left early , few were left by auto, we 4 were sat in the swift,, heading to fulfill my wish of having an ice cream, all were excited, almost all shops were closed at that that, driving fast to find that last shop, we did get that ice cream just infront my hostel... shared , taking each bite of the different flavors,. Was standing near the car.. I saw a small puppy, I said..look Piyush,, That puppy is soooo sooo cute, I whistled at it, it came to me with shaking its tail , felt so good.. I remembered my cat , which was there with me for 11 years, which I finally lost one day, I miss it. It was there with me during my worst days life, waiting for me evryday, and even the day when she died, a dog was responsible for it.. I wish she was there with me today, to share the good days too..
I tried to make that puppy run away from me, as animals generally get too attached to u at the first moment , and I know how it feels when u get attached and later loose it,, hence I prefer not too.. it did go away somewhere.
The day went too best.. some of the best thing I learned .. always express u r feelings, u r love to some one for whom u r the world and do express it to someone for whom u not at all important, because life is all about expressing your feelings and not about impressing ..
The problem is we always thought we all will live till our twilight years. We keep busy making plans and schedules. We always say we will do this or that when the time comes. But do you know, the truth is the time might not come as planned or hoped for? If you want to forgive someone, or tell somebody you love him or her, I say do it now. Remember the short witty quote:"Life is short, eat dessert first"? Don't wait. Seize the day and just do it.
Expect less from others, may be it exams , may it be life, because if u expect more and if those r not met, u r bound to get hurt at the end.
Always treat others in special way, make them realize that u r life is empty without them.,..
Always try to make someones day special, not because that they will do it for u one day,, its because , there is lot of happiness in making those days special of those 10 -20 pals of u r life, who may be just a small part, for caring for u may be just for one day in life.. rather than trying to make just one persons life special, because , 3 years down the life , u will hardly find somany chances to make someone happy isnt ? and believe me.. the more person u make happy, the more u will
The last lesson which I learned to end the day..
Live present , love the present, enjoy it.. don’t waste your life worrying about future, although it does mean that u need to plan and achieve it, but live for each moment … u know why??
I wish I had not stopped that puppy, I wish I had not whistled at it.. I wish it had not liked me so much, I wish I had not said “ Look its sooo soo cute”
Because, the moment we all sat in that car, the moment the car moved forward….
It died
Life is unpredictable.. isnt it ?
Friday, January 8, 2010
It's around 7 years for our friendship , whats called the great seven belgaum boys group... this is just an attempt to preserve those testimonials which i wrote for my best pals while i was leaving Belgaum :) cheers to all of u:)
says everything with his silence:)
It was the 1st day when i was new to these faces, wondering how could anyone make me a part of their life,, May be all 6 showed the same gentle attitude but it was anil who took the first move. Without asking me about my bad past, with that smile , he asked me to join them in eve party.
I really wonder what did these boy found in me , why did they gave me a chance to become a part of their friends group.. now known as Affi's group.
We all met again at dot 7 at 2nd gate , had a great time in a Chinese restaurant,,talking about the college life.. This guy said ,'Hey Shenvi'...u know when u meet some new person.. u never get the name with so much of catch in it. This guy simply made it easy and till today i love the way how calls me shenvi..The football game,, cricket, the gokak trip,Pattar sirs i miss them..
Anil is a person with a lot of Patience .I really dont understand his silence, but the way he speaks about the complicated things like feelings,, may be he too has experienced it a lot.. He is only one such guy in us,who has still not shared a secret. Try to ask him.He will smile with that molar to molar smile and says nothing but in the end says everything with the silence. Nevermind. He is the one who knows what life exactly means. Each bit of it. loves his JC college a lot,,The one who calls everytime when he comes to Belgaum, and the one who takes best care of his teeth.. more than me[Dentist].I love the way he stands on the beach with the sand sinking around.looking at the end of the sea,i wonder what he thinks..And how can i forget the best discussion in the eve on 2nd Goa trip. my god. thats the biggest ever.There is difference between saying it and doing it..
And i am sure we did prove that, we can really do what we say,one day we saw a hill at a distance and next day we were on the top of it.eating the stuff which we all brought together,watching the sky, full of clouds,i wish i would have some snaps of it..How can i forget the laughs which we all had together in our all time Favorite Hotel Green.The 4 hours of non stop talk,may be 4 times a year.I love the way how we all spend time together when i go to Bangalore,, after all than walking around,we still manage to talk till night 12,I guess this what true friendship means.
And I am sure there is still lots to come..
the one who cares the most:)
The one and only, rare visionary of our great Belgaum boys group and Pattars sirs favorite student.. Yup u r right.Manoj ri
I know..He was the last guy to accept me in our whats called affi group.Never mind.I still cherish that I have these 6 friends of mine..
When it comes to caring ..May be he does not express it too often... but the time when he spends with me .I guess expresses everything.. Trying to maintain my secret. calling me eveytime to know my lifes updates is what i like the most.[EXCEPT STUDIES].He was the one who always manages to prove my theories wrong.but yes.when it comes to matter of girls.I am the boss here ok.for rest of the things not even abhi cant win with him
The life after 2nd puc has been quite different. May be Abhi left us in middle way.. the rest of the guys never stopped enjoying..the goa trip.. the green hotel dinner, the depo ground discussion, the birthday them
May be all 5 of them ended up in Bangalore. But whenever he comes to belgaum. makes sure that ,he will at least spend sometime with me.. and tries to inspire me , I believe he was the one who has always taken care of our usual fights. and yes how can i forget the one fight which i had with him , the only one which we had while playing football in 2nd puc.
How can i forget the Paav Bhaji which he makes.. how can i forget the the goa discussion which we all together had during our revisit to goa.. thanks to anil
looks so innocent some times.. the time when says the things which he expect from his dream girl.. I can see the deep feeling buried , the amount of hard work he puts to make his dream come true.. they guy who does what he says.. but when it comes to holidays.. he wont leave the bed ok.. loves to sleep.. music .. style.. imagination.. reading novels.. movies.. lot many.. Yes the 2nd gate JBS and round table conference
How can i forget the calls in the night 2..the way he admires my friendship.. they way he forgets the world for every 5 min with his deep thinking.. how can i forget the way he missed vj when vijay was posted in ankola.. man i miss them
One advise buddy.. u don't have run behind success.. i am sure.. one day that will knock u r door..
I believe in u
Be the same always..
The best of Best pal :)
I am like Dr. House and he is like the oncologist Dr.Wilson.. Watch Dr.House series and u will know what exactly this friend of mine means to me
I still remember the day when i met him for the first time in jannu sirs class.He was the first one to meet in our whats called Affi group. Riding the bicycle with him.realizing that he was my bros best pals brother.Its almost 7 long years already..Although 5 of other pals ended up in Bangalore..j is the only guy who entered the medical field with me.From that point.i cant even imagine my single day without him
The guy who life dictionary doesn't have the word called as tension,, the guy who takes the life as it comes..the guy who loved to enjoy the every moment of life..
In last 7 years , although Anil, Puneet, Manya, Abhi, Anup still cared ,, Vijya was the one who has traveled with me this far..
I was lucky enough to get this sweet friend .. who has given me smile the day when i was depressed,, he has given me support.. the day when i cried,, he has given me the party , the day when i have achieved something new..
I still remember.. this guy had not got the puc-2 result when others already were celebrating.. Me and Manoj were walking towards his home... Vj comes of his house,, and says.. guys ..I passed,, Thanks to god.. god he has always managed to keep us together
The goa trip was memorable.. the trip started with the fight with Vijya.. That was the only time when i was angry on this guy.. may be i made a mistake there.. but buddy.. The trip was my idea right.. .. and that's the lifes best trip ever.. so u can forgive me for that.How can i forget the day when i asked him about my decision of taking BDS as my option in the 2nd round of counseling.. although i was happy that in the first round we both got seat in same college.
but buddy.. i guess it never mattered for both of us.. although we studied in two different courses.. u know na.. we have almost met each single day a year.
There is not a single secret which this best friend of my does not know.. may be it academics,, may be its a girls matter,,, may be its the matter some depressing situation. he knows each bit about it.. Although rest 5 in my affis group are best pals too .. but he is the best of best.
The guy who loves to listen rather than commenting.. thats what i like about him the most.. he will calmly listen to each bit of word and at the end will give a smile for sure..
The guy who loves playing PC games.. the movies,, the Chinese soup... the vada pav..
The few days back before my graduation day.. u know right?? this guy who made me realize the mistake which i did in my past 5 years.. I dont know how will that matter will endup..but buddy i am thankful to u.. although u should have told me about it few months back it self.. but yr thanks a lot
If u had not done it. i guess my life would have not turned it somuch... and i guess i would have not got my 2nd chance..
The guy who loves swimming.. the beach.. the deshmukh road.. the ice cream.. and many things
How can i forget the manyas call on the day when Vj was posted in Ankola.. that guy almost cried for missing this guy.. i guess that proved how much this guy is important for us
And yes. manya is the guy who loves to irritate him the most..
I cant imagine my 2nd puc without him.. i cant imagine my BDS is without.. i can say.. i cant imagine my life without him.. This guy means so much to me..
And yes. i remember.. my lifes just 3 months of Gym..I used to love his company.. my god.those days were awesome..
The guy who always in trouble because of our late night walks. because out late night talks..
I too remember our discussion about deep space.. me , anup , vj on the terrace .. man it went too deep ok.. watching deep sky and thinking about it ,,, it was nice.
I too remember our discussion about deep space.. me , anup , vj on the terrace .. man it went too deep ok.. watching deep sky and thinking about it ,,, it was nice.
and ya.. the plan u and anup did when he took new cell.. U scared the hell out me..
May be u did the right things there..Everything happens for a reason and i know that will end up somewhere
How can i forget the best photo which i had taken.. the last film remaining in the roll.. me and vj went almost 10 km to take that snap... vj and sky..
Although he did miss the round table conference in Bangalore ,, anyway Nitin played the role quite ok at that time as a substitute.
Man i will miss u for my next 3 years of MDS...
He was bit serious in the middle of internship.. but i guess he figured it out.. Buddy.. i am sure.. u will know u r aim soon
And ya..i remember u r complaint about the filling which i did.. dont worry.. Me doing specialization in same.. i guess next time u wont have complaint again and yes for free
I cant forget the evry sec which i have ever spent with him.. never.
I just wish.. we both end up in the same place.. and still continue our daily chats, the American coupsy.. the corn.. the cool top limbu soda, the hari mandir vada pav.. the night time unlimited downloads.. the non sense talks .. and etc ect
may be there r lot many things i cant mention here.. may be i cant express how much this guy has done for me.. may be rest of my pals dont express it much.. buddy.. u were the best in the 7 belgaum boys group... be the same.. smiling.. laughing..
Wish u luck buddy..
u r my best of best pal
The guy undiscovered:)
The only guy who still the same after 7 long years of journey of our friendship.The guy still has the same cool attitude, the same cool nature ,no matter what the situation is. May be all have lots of up and downs in life but what makes him special is how he always managed to smile, made others laugh, made others moments count..
Some call him Battery.. Some call him Affi..I call him Punya.
Once he and abhi used to be the best pals. I still remember how punya used to ride is old black hero puch , the way we all 7 used to rush to the classes.. we 7 together had the best year of our life. the 2nd puc..
The way we all 7 together used to trouble Jannu sir,, they way he used to make us laugh evnthough the sir used to get angry on him too often. The way we enjoyed the Pattar sirs class.. damn.. those were the best day
The gokak trip.. the Hidkal dam photo session.. those were the few best moments too.
how can i forget the best goa trip which we still remember bit by bit...we were damn lucky.. this guy was about to miss the best trip of our life..anyway without him it would not have been the best. .
May be life after puc has changed in many ways. may be he is bit disappointed about others pals.. but i still try to make him realize that, even one misses out of belgaum group.. it wont be the same anymore
May be.. Some pals.. and most of the girl does not understand the true sense of this guy.. but believe me .. he is just not another ordinary guy.. the girl who will get him will be the luckiest.. how many of u has the true smile in the worst days of life?? not easy isnt it?
May be luck gave him some ups and downs . few bad expiriences .. buddy.. life is the same always.. those were u r words right.. we need to take life as it comes.. I will cherish those words for sure.. they mean a lot for me
The friend who truly guides me in specially whats called in the matter of feelings. I know many cant believe it? Punya in senti mode!!.. believe me.. he does... I cant forget the big lecture which he gave me on that depo ground at night 8.15 pm.. man that made me realize how deeply he had cared for me.. Punya.. i am really thankful to u for those words..." think beyond obvious".. I always try to remember those words of urs when i try a bit more to open up my mind
The guy who believes in trying evrybit of life.. atleast once !!
How can i forget the fights of Manya and Punya.. ha ha.. it used to be awesome.. Me , Anil, Vj used to love it.. and now after 7 years i still miss it..
Although not much expressive... but to close pals he is the one who helps the most..
I cant imagine my MDS entrace exam preparation without him.. helping me eveytime when i came to Bangalore.. he was the one who had always called me two days before whenever he comes to know that i am planning to come..
I miss the time spent with him in Bangalore after that round table conference with all my best pals and nitin.. I loved the way he made me smile after that incident
May be he was bit harsh sometimes on other friends.. but buddy.. no matter what the situation is ..I know . , anil, anup, manoj, vijjay know the importance of u.. they just love teasing u..may be u dont like it much.. but thats how u always made their special
I loved the way he explained me his dream about getting a new life.. believe me buddy.. even i never think so deeply and purely.. I wish u get it soon..
Dost.. In all 6 of my best pals.. it was u.. who made me laugh during my bad times.. Even though evrybody cared...
These are my best pals.. whom i remember each day.. each moment.. I cant imagine my life without them being around me..
May be life has taken big turn.. evrybody getting busy.. may be u wont find me next time when u come belgaum.. buddy just want u to know.. U all made my life count
Best of luck pal.. I dont know whether i will meet u r expectation.. But will surly try
Be the same.. Smile..Laugh.. Joke.. make others life best.. and i am sure.. god will give u the best one day
U r a nice pal buddy
Thanks for evrything :)
says everything with his silence:)

We all met again at dot 7 at 2nd gate , had a great time in a Chinese restaurant,,talking about the college life.. This guy said ,'Hey Shenvi'...u know when u meet some new person.. u never get the name with so much of catch in it. This guy simply made it easy and till today i love the way how calls me shenvi..The football game,, cricket, the gokak trip,Pattar sirs i miss them..
Anil is a person with a lot of Patience .I really dont understand his silence, but the way he speaks about the complicated things like feelings,, may be he too has experienced it a lot.. He is only one such guy in us,who has still not shared a secret. Try to ask him.He will smile with that molar to molar smile and says nothing but in the end says everything with the silence. Nevermind. He is the one who knows what life exactly means. Each bit of it. loves his JC college a lot,,The one who calls everytime when he comes to Belgaum, and the one who takes best care of his teeth.. more than me[Dentist].I love the way he stands on the beach with the sand sinking around.looking at the end of the sea,i wonder what he thinks..And how can i forget the best discussion in the eve on 2nd Goa trip. my god. thats the biggest ever.There is difference between saying it and doing it..

And I am sure there is still lots to come..
the one who cares the most:)

I know..He was the last guy to accept me in our whats called affi group.Never mind.I still cherish that I have these 6 friends of mine..
When it comes to caring ..May be he does not express it too often... but the time when he spends with me .I guess expresses everything.. Trying to maintain my secret. calling me eveytime to know my lifes updates is what i like the most.[EXCEPT STUDIES].He was the one who always manages to prove my theories wrong.but yes.when it comes to matter of girls.I am the boss here ok.for rest of the things not even abhi cant win with him

May be all 5 of them ended up in Bangalore. But whenever he comes to belgaum. makes sure that ,he will at least spend sometime with me.. and tries to inspire me , I believe he was the one who has always taken care of our usual fights. and yes how can i forget the one fight which i had with him , the only one which we had while playing football in 2nd puc.
How can i forget the Paav Bhaji which he makes.. how can i forget the the goa discussion which we all together had during our revisit to goa.. thanks to anil

looks so innocent some times.. the time when says the things which he expect from his dream girl.. I can see the deep feeling buried , the amount of hard work he puts to make his dream come true.. they guy who does what he says.. but when it comes to holidays.. he wont leave the bed ok.. loves to sleep.. music .. style.. imagination.. reading novels.. movies.. lot many.. Yes the 2nd gate JBS and round table conference

One advise buddy.. u don't have run behind success.. i am sure.. one day that will knock u r door..
I believe in u
Be the same always..
The best of Best pal :)

I still remember the day when i met him for the first time in jannu sirs class.He was the first one to meet in our whats called Affi group. Riding the bicycle with him.realizing that he was my bros best pals brother.Its almost 7 long years already..Although 5 of other pals ended up in Bangalore..j is the only guy who entered the medical field with me.From that point.i cant even imagine my single day without him
The guy who life dictionary doesn't have the word called as tension,, the guy who takes the life as it comes..the guy who loved to enjoy the every moment of life..
In last 7 years , although Anil, Puneet, Manya, Abhi, Anup still cared ,, Vijya was the one who has traveled with me this far..
I was lucky enough to get this sweet friend .. who has given me smile the day when i was depressed,, he has given me support.. the day when i cried,, he has given me the party , the day when i have achieved something new..
I still remember.. this guy had not got the puc-2 result when others already were celebrating.. Me and Manoj were walking towards his home... Vj comes of his house,, and says.. guys ..I passed,, Thanks to god.. god he has always managed to keep us together
The goa trip was memorable.. the trip started with the fight with Vijya.. That was the only time when i was angry on this guy.. may be i made a mistake there.. but buddy.. The trip was my idea right.. .. and that's the lifes best trip ever.. so u can forgive me for that.How can i forget the day when i asked him about my decision of taking BDS as my option in the 2nd round of counseling.. although i was happy that in the first round we both got seat in same college.
but buddy.. i guess it never mattered for both of us.. although we studied in two different courses.. u know na.. we have almost met each single day a year.

The guy who loves to listen rather than commenting.. thats what i like about him the most.. he will calmly listen to each bit of word and at the end will give a smile for sure..
The guy who loves playing PC games.. the movies,, the Chinese soup... the vada pav..
The few days back before my graduation day.. u know right?? this guy who made me realize the mistake which i did in my past 5 years.. I dont know how will that matter will endup..but buddy i am thankful to u.. although u should have told me about it few months back it self.. but yr thanks a lot

The guy who loves swimming.. the beach.. the deshmukh road.. the ice cream.. and many things
How can i forget the manyas call on the day when Vj was posted in Ankola.. that guy almost cried for missing this guy.. i guess that proved how much this guy is important for us
And yes. manya is the guy who loves to irritate him the most..
I cant imagine my 2nd puc without him.. i cant imagine my BDS is without.. i can say.. i cant imagine my life without him.. This guy means so much to me..
And yes. i remember.. my lifes just 3 months of Gym..I used to love his company.. my god.those days were awesome..
The guy who always in trouble because of our late night walks. because out late night talks..
I too remember our discussion about deep space.. me , anup , vj on the terrace .. man it went too deep ok.. watching deep sky and thinking about it ,,, it was nice.
I too remember our discussion about deep space.. me , anup , vj on the terrace .. man it went too deep ok.. watching deep sky and thinking about it ,,, it was nice.
and ya.. the plan u and anup did when he took new cell.. U scared the hell out me..
May be u did the right things there..Everything happens for a reason and i know that will end up somewhere
How can i forget the best photo which i had taken.. the last film remaining in the roll.. me and vj went almost 10 km to take that snap... vj and sky..
Although he did miss the round table conference in Bangalore ,, anyway Nitin played the role quite ok at that time as a substitute.
Man i will miss u for my next 3 years of MDS...
He was bit serious in the middle of internship.. but i guess he figured it out.. Buddy.. i am sure.. u will know u r aim soon
And ya..i remember u r complaint about the filling which i did.. dont worry.. Me doing specialization in same.. i guess next time u wont have complaint again and yes for free
I cant forget the evry sec which i have ever spent with him.. never.

may be there r lot many things i cant mention here.. may be i cant express how much this guy has done for me.. may be rest of my pals dont express it much.. buddy.. u were the best in the 7 belgaum boys group... be the same.. smiling.. laughing..
Wish u luck buddy..
u r my best of best pal
The guy undiscovered:)

Some call him Battery.. Some call him Affi..I call him Punya.
Once he and abhi used to be the best pals. I still remember how punya used to ride is old black hero puch , the way we all 7 used to rush to the classes.. we 7 together had the best year of our life. the 2nd puc..
The way we all 7 together used to trouble Jannu sir,, they way he used to make us laugh evnthough the sir used to get angry on him too often. The way we enjoyed the Pattar sirs class.. damn.. those were the best day
The gokak trip.. the Hidkal dam photo session.. those were the few best moments too.
how can i forget the best goa trip which we still remember bit by bit...we were damn lucky.. this guy was about to miss the best trip of our life..anyway without him it would not have been the best. .
May be life after puc has changed in many ways. may be he is bit disappointed about others pals.. but i still try to make him realize that, even one misses out of belgaum group.. it wont be the same anymore

May be luck gave him some ups and downs . few bad expiriences .. buddy.. life is the same always.. those were u r words right.. we need to take life as it comes.. I will cherish those words for sure.. they mean a lot for me
The friend who truly guides me in specially whats called in the matter of feelings. I know many cant believe it? Punya in senti mode!!.. believe me.. he does... I cant forget the big lecture which he gave me on that depo ground at night 8.15 pm.. man that made me realize how deeply he had cared for me.. Punya.. i am really thankful to u for those words..." think beyond obvious".. I always try to remember those words of urs when i try a bit more to open up my mind
The guy who believes in trying evrybit of life.. atleast once !!
How can i forget the fights of Manya and Punya.. ha ha.. it used to be awesome.. Me , Anil, Vj used to love it.. and now after 7 years i still miss it..
Although not much expressive... but to close pals he is the one who helps the most..

I miss the time spent with him in Bangalore after that round table conference with all my best pals and nitin.. I loved the way he made me smile after that incident
May be he was bit harsh sometimes on other friends.. but buddy.. no matter what the situation is ..I know . , anil, anup, manoj, vijjay know the importance of u.. they just love teasing u..may be u dont like it much.. but thats how u always made their special
I loved the way he explained me his dream about getting a new life.. believe me buddy.. even i never think so deeply and purely.. I wish u get it soon..
Dost.. In all 6 of my best pals.. it was u.. who made me laugh during my bad times.. Even though evrybody cared...
These are my best pals.. whom i remember each day.. each moment.. I cant imagine my life without them being around me..

Best of luck pal.. I dont know whether i will meet u r expectation.. But will surly try
Be the same.. Smile..Laugh.. Joke.. make others life best.. and i am sure.. god will give u the best one day
U r a nice pal buddy
Thanks for evrything :)
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