This time I was on the other side, conducting spotters, correcting those papers, helping students in cavity preparation, feeling bad when they did not answer that simple question when external asked him, that moment reminded me the way I used to hard work in studies during those BDS days.
I did feel that something special when the external said very good for our one of the student.. why not?? We r teaching them from last 8 months.. although I am not that close to complete that dream of becoming a teacher , but I do love that feeling of reaching one step closer to it.
Strange.. this time I did not have the feel of the exam at all. It was just like another day, a normal , but seeing juniors giving exam, was something different.
When you enter Pg. life is different, u r no more like a student to your staff, most of the time they look in different way, sometimes , like a friend, sometimes family, sometimes as if they know u from lot many days, and sometimes they do forget u r name so fast.
The exam was almost over, although students did not perform well, but I do realized that each persons is different, and u cant expect the same knowledge from each of them. U need to mold u r judging nature according to the studetns level.
When we were the student , we do feel angry on the examiner when he fails some one.. but today I was on the otheside now, and believe me , u feel nothing at all when u r shouting on student, u don’t feel anything at all when u r failing them, u don’t feel anything at all when u complement them , but those each act might provoke a tremendous response in the students, so magnified , It can lead to suicide or heart full of happiness.
It was afternoon, the external was a passout of the same college, I asked him,, sir were u staying in the hostel too during u r pg life,, He says with a big smile, Yes..Those were the best days of my life,Best 3 years.. one thing which observed .. nomatter how big u become in life but , u will always miss the college days, u will always miss ur parents, u will always miss the friends, the good time u had, u will surly cherish those moments..in the end he gave some cash to one old lady worker too, I guess she was there when he was a student here.. he did remember her .. isnt it?
Had a great time with him, having lunch, marking the scores in the final sheet, sealing them, burning all those rough copies so that nobody comes to know the marks, it was strange.. its like u trying to hide secret by burning the photos of u r loved once who never understood the way feel about them, just to convenience u r self that it never happened. But u still know , nomatter what u do,, u really cant hide the secret from urself ..isnt ?
I was tired , was working from morning 8 to 4.. I slept off in the hostel,, strange, was getting the calls from all those which I never expected..nothing feels great when u r half in sleep and u get a call from all those pals who made u r life worth, its like I was living a dream.
It was 7 . we all planned dinner on that night for the friends birthday, I was getting ready. Low waist jeans, red colour shirt, deo all around, fully shaved glowing face with that moisturizer over it, looked at mirror, checked my hairstyle, everything looks perfect. Wondering how life gave such a good look after 24 years. I smiled :)
A brought a gift rapper for the collage which I made for my friend, wrapping it.. was already late 20 min, friends were waiting for me downstairs.. roommate was tensed about his seminar, locked my room.
I Ran . was feeling great. Sitting in my co-pgs swift, listening to Michel Jackson songs, felt bad , told my friends that according to one paper he was actually murdered.. he was a legend, love his songs.
Picked up another co-pg, laughing a loud on the jokes, beating to the songs, guessing what others will be telling to us for reaching there late..
It was good to see all 11 together , celebrating the birthday, playing who, with whom doing what game, giving gifts and wishes, teasing one another, discussing some serious things.. Mind was too too active,, it was full of laugh, why not.. it was after somany days after we celebrating somebodies birthday in our group., U know, it feels good when u see at the birthday boy , or girl, although u r not actually boring again, but actually u getting old , for which u celebrating..strange right? But that day just gives u some special time in those 365 days of year, just to come out of that normal routine schedule of u r life, just giving some time to other to forget that old fights, the times, and to realize them that u still the same.. It feels good when u r the center of attraction on that day, feeling good isn't it?
We all loved the food, laughed together, just end the celebration with listening the song which the birthday girl dedicated for all of us.
Few left early , few were left by auto, we 4 were sat in the swift,, heading to fulfill my wish of having an ice cream, all were excited, almost all shops were closed at that that, driving fast to find that last shop, we did get that ice cream just infront my hostel... shared , taking each bite of the different flavors,. Was standing near the car.. I saw a small puppy, I said..look Piyush,, That puppy is soooo sooo cute, I whistled at it, it came to me with shaking its tail , felt so good.. I remembered my cat , which was there with me for 11 years, which I finally lost one day, I miss it. It was there with me during my worst days life, waiting for me evryday, and even the day when she died, a dog was responsible for it.. I wish she was there with me today, to share the good days too..
I tried to make that puppy run away from me, as animals generally get too attached to u at the first moment , and I know how it feels when u get attached and later loose it,, hence I prefer not too.. it did go away somewhere.
The day went too best.. some of the best thing I learned .. always express u r feelings, u r love to some one for whom u r the world and do express it to someone for whom u not at all important, because life is all about expressing your feelings and not about impressing ..
The problem is we always thought we all will live till our twilight years. We keep busy making plans and schedules. We always say we will do this or that when the time comes. But do you know, the truth is the time might not come as planned or hoped for? If you want to forgive someone, or tell somebody you love him or her, I say do it now. Remember the short witty quote:"Life is short, eat dessert first"? Don't wait. Seize the day and just do it.
Expect less from others, may be it exams , may it be life, because if u expect more and if those r not met, u r bound to get hurt at the end.
Always treat others in special way, make them realize that u r life is empty without them.,..
Always try to make someones day special, not because that they will do it for u one day,, its because , there is lot of happiness in making those days special of those 10 -20 pals of u r life, who may be just a small part, for caring for u may be just for one day in life.. rather than trying to make just one persons life special, because , 3 years down the life , u will hardly find somany chances to make someone happy isnt ? and believe me.. the more person u make happy, the more u will
The last lesson which I learned to end the day..
Live present , love the present, enjoy it.. don’t waste your life worrying about future, although it does mean that u need to plan and achieve it, but live for each moment … u know why??
I wish I had not stopped that puppy, I wish I had not whistled at it.. I wish it had not liked me so much, I wish I had not said “ Look its sooo soo cute”
Because, the moment we all sat in that car, the moment the car moved forward….
It died
Life is unpredictable.. isnt it ?
gr8 lesson sir...
mind blowing, and true story of life.................................................
ya man its very true...
live life like there is no tomorrow...
and really sorry for that dog dude:(
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