So.. Friends .I hope its the time to continue my earlier blog,but please make sure that you read part one before reading this one. In my last blog I told you till the day when my friend got to know that he failed in PUC-1st. So let me continue it from there.
It took him 10 days to get out of whats called post exam depression. You know I sometimes wonder, the best gift of a child is that he can forget bad things easily ,but as u grow older, its damn difficult..isn't it.
Watching his brother getting 1st rank in a medical field , must have made my friends life difficult to adjust.It was after 20 days when my friend came out of his house. People try to wonder how can a person starts living silence , who once never used to love talking..
Somehow my friend tried to recollect the lost courage from deeps inside his gut.. Made an attempt to go to college, hoping to find the way to get out from this whats called failure. But life did not have much in its store except a chance of 2nd attempt after one year..
When u get busy in life , you wonder how the time moves so fast,, and on the other side clock stops ticking when u have absolutely nothing to do.Even after one month life was totally dry for him,, wondering what to do.Poor fellow. How can he even read from the start of the year for just one subject of PUC.
Life is not that bad..You will find all kind people no matter where you stand , may be , there were still some friends who used to be as bad he was. One thing what he realized at this moment , life never leaves empty. .U r never alone.
It was the day when he cried for almost 8 hours when he was asked for the reason of being a failure, sitting in a corner, surrounded by around 12 of his relatives, making fun, laughing on him.. insulting him in front of his parents.. Hmm..May be they must have though Habits or some girl as a reason for failure..
Anyway one months were already over.
His friend used to work in STD phone booth.. so this friend of mine started helping out his friend.As the time passed he realized that, getting himself busy in some work is the best way to forget bad things.. so he started looking for the jobs. and one day he thought of being a computer operator too.. but somehow its did not work out.,,
So he used to sit in the STD booth without any pay, while returning home,, he used to meet many , Everybody used to ask him about the result,, You know ,saying the truth is always not that easy.He finally found a a way out ,although it not good to lie but that what looked best at this time.. telling each person only one thing,, "I just entered PUC-1st and My exam is in NEXT MARCH". This is how he has kept his life ticking for one year.
How can a person get sleep when does a absolutely nothing.Seeing the son worried about future, his mother used to apply whats called NAVARATNA OIL daily once, and he says,,, it really does not provide relief from tension as they show it on TV[;)]
So now this friend of mine started thinking about doing some other courses like ITI, or joining some garage to learn repairing, even his mother once asked electric shop owner to give him a job.. my god this might have been very depressing for him.. never mind it was already 4 months ..so i guess he must have learned how to cope up with life.
One day his dad asked him , "Son why dont you join a medical shop, That will help you to learn something about medicines.. so later you can do a D-Pharmacy and open your own shop"
At first moment it was difficult to decide as he will have to say the truth to everyone while join the shop.. anyway its better to except the challenges than running from it[:)]
So he finally agreed for it. It was around 6 in evening, he went to the shop,, and as he had thought, they asked him,, "why u want to join here?and what about you college?"
May be this was not that tough to answer as they were totally new to him..
Hey .I forgot to mention one thing.. This medical shop where my friends used to work was situated just beside his college. So its obvious that he will see his many friends passing by.
It was 6 months from that failure ..He started learning things so fast and owner stated admiring his work.. In free time he used to work in the electric shop too.
May be it gave him some moment of Joy but it was definitely not that easy... Hiding behind the refrigerator whenever his friends or relatives used to come to take the medicines, carrying medicines on cycle in front of his college while going to a primary health center where the head used to be his brother classmates mother..
It was depressing to see his friends walking in front of shop , watching them, enjoying the second puc, and he living life alone , sweeping the floor, cleaning the glasses, arranging the medicines..!! yup this is really bad
Anyway that was his world now.. Till then the owner started giving him a salary of 600 rupees per month.. wow..
Its almost 8 months.. In another 4 months he needs to give the 2nd attempt for the subject of maths.
His brother and his dad started wondering about his life now.. Joined a tuition Touching the books after 8 months was bit new to him.. But life was not the same.. This time surprisingly the boy started solving problems so easily that the teacher started wondering how can this friend of mine fail in maths?
Anyway life must have been very kind to him.. he used to read around 6 hours a day for next 3 months..The exam was announced.. It was nice to enter the college campus again after 12 months ,, after everything what he did.. but he was afraid too, as if something goes wrong then life wont be the same again.
Sitting in the exam hall, seeing the his professors looking curious at him, somehow managed to solve most of the questions. The exam was finally over.He returned home.. Convincing the parents that he wrote papers far better than the earlier one was bit difficult..
It was already 15 days after exam when he went to the a maths teacher to ask about his result..and managed to just find , the result will be out in 10 days.
so it was the result day...and guess what.. He cleared[:)] with respectable 70 marks.. yup i know it might look less, but from 8 to 70.. i guess this friend of mine needs salute.
Wait Wait,, the story is not yet over friends..just passing puc 1st wont help u isn't it.. People generally fail is PUC-2 as it the biggest exam of once life.. So the guy who failed in PUC-1 ,how can u expect him to pass 2nd puc..
Will be continued[:)]