Hi.. Friends.. Before sailing through my new blog, let me request you one things.. This is quite a big story.. So to understand the depth you need to read till the end.. I hope you have time for it[:)]
"Failure is the Stepping Stone For Success".. Huh..I know you have said it so many times. Isn't it?
But there is a difference between saying and experiencing it.. Right?
I know one such person who knows what those 7 words mean to him.It took 6 long years to prove it. And believe me , when I heard his life story,, I can say.. Life is not that bad as we all think..
So this is me writing a blog on once such persons life[:)].
He was an average boy, with average IQ,, was happy with the way life was leading him..May be he never thought that once in future he would have to face worst days filled with whats called Failure.
Reading in an Kannada medium school, trying to figure out how to pronounce the those English words.. somehow managed to get 62 percent in SSLC.. May be he never understood the importance of study at that time..
You know, when you place a dark colour beside a bright one, the dark seems more darker. I guess my friends life was bit similar to it.. He too had one brother who has always excelled, no matter what he did.. Life is bit tough when parents start expecting the same from this guy too.
After passing SSLC, with a wish of doing science, he applied to one of the best college in his town.. But the taste of rejection of his application was bit bitter as it was new to him , this was the first day when he realized that 62% is not such a good score, although till then he was happy for passing with a first class..
Parents always want to give the best to their children.. This friend of mine had a bit luck, as the parent were really caring and and as you already know, he had one intelligent brother who had a good name in the same college .. Because of this ,my friend somehow managed to get a seat in that reputed college after getting the application rejected three times.
Although you can place a stone between diamonds but u cant really make it shine..This is exactly how the life of my friend was going on. He had seen many extraordinary students around him, wondering how can they solve the problems so easily..
Although he had many friends,, but they too were no different from him. It was the first internal, ENGLISH subject.. That was the first time when he met what's called failure. Seeing his dad depressed and wondering how he did not scold much, just letting him go by giving him a simple advise .. Son.. Put more efforts
As days passed by , exams after exams.. somehow managed to read a bit, managed to understand what exactly those subject mean..My god, it was difficult for him.
I guess he was not serious at that time., spending most of the time on computer games,, and the new thing called Yahoo messenger, roaming with his friends who too were struggling with studies,. may be he had tried but he was not that intelligent to the subject of science.. So I guess he should have done arts or commerce
He says, It was 10 days before exam when he actually came to know the date of Final PUC(11th) First exam.
Huh.. When he said this to me, I thought, how can a college waste a seat for a guy who does not even bothered about the exams dates.
Anyway there is a always a reason for everything which happens in the life. So i continued listening to his story,,
It was the exam day when he somehow managed to write something, he had never imagined that he need to to spend some tough days ahead.
It was the result day , his parents waiting in home to hear the word I CLEARED..I hope he mmust have thoght the same. But when he looked at the notice board !!Checked his name on the first class list,, huh,, I wondered how can he expect to score a first class when actually never bothered about the exam dates??
Next was the pass class,, He searched from top to bottom for his name, which he found missing in the both list..
Now this confirmed the biggest fear .. He had failed in PUC-1st
Came home , somehow managed to control his cry.. watching his mom waiting near gate,, may be she was knowing this was going to happen... Without scolding him a word,, they somehow tried to stop him from crying .. told him to take rest.
Its 6 years from that result day .He showed me PUC-1st marks card.I was shocked to hear his scores.. Although when I looked at his marks card , I figured out , he had been mercy passed in all subject except one. Maths.
Now you must be thinking!! why only Maths?.. I too asked the same..You need to score at least 30 out of 100 so that they can put 5 marks extra to pass you somehow!!
But this friend of mine scored much much lower than what I ever thought... ha ha..8 in maths.. Yup.. you are right ..Its out of 100
HMMm.. This story is much interesting and needs another 2 blogs to complete.. Let me continue it in my next blog..
Its not over yet[:)]
Dude your friend is a gem ..Please tell him to keep one thing in his mind a unpolished diamond can also worth a million..keep smiling always forever.
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