In my Last blog we saw how my friend cleared PUC- 2 with respectable marks. Lets sail through the next..
Getting good PUC marks did not help him much. His performance in the CET was not that good on that day. Why? Its the same.. PUC 1st the biggest problem this time too..Anyway ,life had given him 6 new best pals, A new identity, and lots of luck.
Although he did not get BDS seat.. but managed to get a seat in an BAMS degree college. Was happy as one of his best pal from that best friends group got the seat in same college too..
One thing which made him to hope for a bit of luck was the amount of building fund which the BAMS college asked from him..
I wondered why he has too pay the same fee as BDS and he even wont even 10% of life what he had dreamed of..
So it was 2nd round of CET counselling. Before going to Bangalore he went to his best pal and told him that he will be leaving that earlier seat.. May be it was bit depressing for his pal as he wont be able to be with him in that college anymore.
Went to the counselling, luck gave him a big gift on that day.. a single seat of BDS in the same college which he had always dreamed of.. It was just for that single seat he travelled a long way to Bangalore again although even after knowing that there r still around 2000 students in front of him..
Now how can he get a seat when there are already 2000 students ahead?? I asked the same too.. But for the better part..The seat was reserved for those who have read in a Kannada medium for 10 years.. [:)].. It was GM-K Seat.. I guess reading in a Kannada medium was not that bad[;)]
Anyway it was like a milestone in his life and he still thanks god for it..
He went to the new dream college , got the admission for the 1st bds.But getting just an admission wont change u r life.. isn't it
He has just thought about the fun which he gonna have if he gets that seat, but whose gonna think about that 4 years of nonstop study?
He brought the Anatomy book on the 1st day of college. Opened it. Those new words of muscles, bones. My god.He had cried on that day, the syllabus was well above his intelligence.
There is no retuning now. The family members have trusted on him,giving a fee of 35k per year to a person who once failed , was like gambling.. and the bad thing, u cant even leave the course in between. It was too late.He was in the middle of sea now.
It was the first day of college. He did not even understood a single word of that big one hour bio chem lecture. It was the Anatomy dissection class in the afternoon.. Many of friends were already knowing that he had a brother who is topper in the medical college.. So my friends name was already pre-programmed as Intelligent.. HA HA..People once named him as Repeater... God is great..But the real past was never been explored by anyone from them.. So he thought its better to keep bad memories apart..
There were two girls who wanted to know the name of the book need to be read for physiology..Poor fellow.. He was really bad in English that time.. He was not able to complete the 1st English line which he had ever spoken..[;)].. never mind.. happens with all.. So he managed the things KANNADA LATER
It was his brother who had become a big challenge for his life.. His professors expected the same from the from him too.. It quite difficult right.. how can a guy who had failed in PUC-1st can top like his brother, and that getting a distinction like his brother was well beyond his imagination..
As time passed by. He had his 1st internal exam. The best part, he was the one who topped in that exam.Told this to mom. she expects him to think about final exam as that will be the one which is important for passing.Yup that's right too.
Anyway days passed by. He was improving in studies, but the fear of failure was building in. what if he fails again in 1st bds.. he remembered the day when he had brought the anatomy book and had cried on his decision of taking BDS..
His final exam dates was announced.. Although he had topped in 2 out of 3 subjects in prelims but it was the that one word 'PASS" which he wanted too see in that final exam of 1st BDS..
I dont know about ENGG.. But I too have experienced the amount of stress we need to undergo during those continues exam shedule..
It was the 1st day of exam.. Paper without any options was bit different from ususal...
It was the Physiology on the first day and the Anatomy, giving continues exam for the first time, he was totally exusted,just 2 hours of sleep for the day, that's what what made the third exam Dental materials a big fear.. It was the night 3 o clock when he told his mom that he wont be performing well in the the third exam and might fail in exam too.
Mom somehow consoled him, told him that not to worry about result.. Gave him some exampls of big achievers, told him not too loose hope in the middle of the race.. This is what made him to realise the importance of mother in the life of an individual.
He read whole portion again in that final 6 hours from morning 3-8 am
Reached college.. sweating at morning 7 was bit difficult to explain. It was the last exam. Got the question paper..Some how managed to write everything.
It was shocking to see his brother and father in the college after exam. waiting for him, worrying about his exam
Anyway. He was still not confident about passing. He must have calculated the marks about 10-25 exams in that gap of 15 days before the exam..Wishing god to pass him. Can u believ, a guy who just topped in prelims, thinks of getting a pass class in the final exam, I have seen him on those day. He looked horrible.
It was the result day when life was not the same..
How many of u really think he will pass in exam? after all that happened in that past 2 years..
I too never believed when I saw his result.. He had beaten the everybodies expectation.
He was the Distinction holder at that moment.. Got 76%.. It was after 3 years when someone had got a distinction in that college.. Altough he stood 2nd to the class.
Never mind.. Forget the distinction..
The best of that one year .. He was the one who topped in Anatomy. the subject which he had the feared the most and he still says.. that was the best paper he had ever written [:)]
Hmm. story is not yet over dear.. the big one yet to come[:)]
Keep reading
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