Its me.. listening to the Happy days song this time. It not that I have not seen the movie before,, its not that I am listening to the song for the 1st time. It does not feel like the same movie anymore..Never thought , one day that movie will mean so much to me.. the way they used to laugh, the way they used to cry, the way they used to read for the exam,the way they used to love each other, the way he used to try to propose the girl. they way we used to fight. Does not look different anymore. A must watch movie[:)]

99 totally new friends, totally new world, the cadaver does not sound fearful anymore, I have dissected each nerve, each muscle, even the brain, but stll its the fear of death out here..
We used to fight on a silly small topic , but I miss it now.. Its difficult to fight out here, the world full of surprises, full of commitments, full of strangers..
The time which I had spend with my friends, sitting at the lecture hall, the time which I had spent in sharing the cup of tea, the smile , the fight, the tear,, I miss them the most.
The way I used to sit beside the window, looking out .. the world looks so small when u watch through the window isn't it.. is not so small anymore..
The stress of the exam,The way my friends used to console me, the day before the exam, from the 1st bds , to the MDS entrance exam.. I wish he had been with me this time too.

The way I used to say,, hey.. chal meet u tomorrow.. its not similar anymore.. I wont find them tomorrow.. they wont be around me anymore..
They are the the fragrance of happiness.. Eventhough it wont last longer.. but the time which u have it around u in this large life.. makes that moment special..

May be life is not similar anymore. May be I wont find that 99 anymore. But the time spent with the best pals should be missed, should be preserved..
Life is the same always.. Its monotonous.. But its the friends which make it polyphonic. Make sure..You remember them , because one day when you are alone out there. Play the the same ring tone , I am sure that will make u r life worth living[:)]

Dedicated to my All Friends who made my 5 years of BDS life worth living..

Wish you A Happy day
Hey..very true man.... though i spent only 4yrs with u guys.. it was awesome... sometimes tears roll out when i think of those good old days...and see those photos..
Really its so true!!
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