One fine evening sitting in Delhi train station.. alone !!!.. watching people running around , was looking at the long train track.. the people crossing it.. A guy asks me ..sabh hot Tea??.. Taking the sip of the Garam Tea I realized .. the word Hot was missing..I had already paid the money.. I finally had to compromise. Life is full of compromise.. isn't it?
A train arrived at the station. I got up with the cup of tea , hoping the train is mine.. Hope.. This is what life is just all about? Isn't it?
I need to travel 3500 km to reach my place.. The Journey becomes easy when u know exactly where u need to go.. But life is not that easy right?.. u don't know were u need to go.. did u think about the future when u were r kid.. .. its when u grow up u start realising that u need to become a doctor and Engineer.. but later when u reach the top u still feel insecure.
Sitting at the station,, watching the the board of train.. listening the whistle of the train.. i saw a pretty girl.. a stranger.. realizing that she too watching me curiously.. we r curious about life isn't it?
Slowly the train started moving ahead,, people rushing to enter it.. the same tea wala rushes to the window..poor fellow.. life is bit difficult when u r around the strangers.. isn't it?
Although it was not my train. what if it was mine? I would have been inside, sitting alone at the window..eventually I will not have the station in my view anymore.. . would have been travelling ,hoping that i will reach my destiny soon... sitting in between strangers.. I realized I was almost comparable to the Tea wala.. the only difference being.. I know where I am going..
But it was my journey right.. not the life
but hey I am still siting in the station..The train moves on ,, I remembered my childhood.. its like the same station u know.. only thing is, u don't know where u need to go.
Seeing my past 23 years in each of the inches of the track, starting from the station called childhood made me realize many things
The childhood.. All are happy with the things going around.. playing joyfully,, crying almost for everything. Crying was a best solution for every problem. We were sure that Dad will bring u anything to stop u from crying. The way we used to walk with out sisters and brother. clasping hands together.. kicking evry stone on the road.. as if we don't even care about the world.. We were the king at that time. Attending the classes , evnthough we used to hardly understand what exactly the A B C D look like.. Mom trying to teach us how to write each single letter... The endless fights with friends on the most silliest things like whos gonna do play first in cricket. The way we used to break friendship by saying KATTI, and The way we laugh withgirls evnthough we were never knowing the word whats love for a girl.. Life was Innocent.. asking mom where exactly we came from? listening to the stories of the bird which brought us in to this world... hmmm..never knew what exactly death means. asking just 25 paisa.. showing the coin to everybody.I used to see the 25 paisa coin for one hour..we never knew what exactly rank is worth of.. what exactly study is worth of.. what exactly love is worth of..what exactly is the friend is worth of.. what exactly the family is worth of.
The train moves around 200 mts ,I realized the life has moved too.. leaving behind some beautiful moments comparable to each inches of the track..
The adulthood.. even though we now know A B C D .. which once was a impossible to write.. writing the same letters is damn boring now.. isn't it? Telling the thing repeatedly , in fact to u r own parents is bit stressful , which once they used to do for us 100 times a day . Friends change in a matter of days.. Friendship is no longer easy to maintain. The way we used to cry for hours together is not easy anymore.. its almost impossible to form single drop of tear as u grow older. The way we used to apologize so easily.. not that easy anymore.. Its not you whose the boss now.. its the Ego,. The way we used to laugh .. sitting on the blank of tree . the giggling for hours together is not easy anymore.. most of us act.. its not natural anymore. The 100 rupees not looks so small for us, which once we never dreamed of..
Hey there is my train now on the station..
Although I travelled 23 years in the train of my life.. but luckily I was back on the same old station of my life on that day. I still have another journey to complete, but I don't have to travel the same old 23 years track again. This time the journey is different
U just need another start. U just need to open up.I wish u see u r station soon ..[:)]
Happy Journey[:)]
cool... :) very differently thought n expressed ...thanks nice one!!!
good 1 yr u observe the minutest details of life u explore emotions with such perfection if v could let the child within us stay alive v can lead a more joyous life keep the good work up yr u truly know what real source of happiness is
amazing.. brought tears to my eyes!!!
Thank u :)
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