Hi .This is Dr.Suresh Shenvi
Once you enter the best days of internship, after that hectic long BDS final year,with a dream of doing MDS in mind.. you start looking for the books need to be read? wondering which coaching to join.. but many later realize that, such facilities will be available only in metro cities..so the student starts thinking about dropping another year to join the coaching next year so that he can give his 100%.May be they are not wrong .. But u have 10 precious month of internship . so why dont u give a complete genuine try..
Now the big question is HOW?
I can tell u how I had prepared for entrance during my internship . I had a good score during my BDS yrs, but I too was not sure about how to prepare for entrance for MDS.. so I was no different from other.
I had asked some of my immediate seniors who got through various entrances..so apart from reading this long mail , u should also ask u r seniors, as they will give u better idea about u r state entrance
Its better to follow the things said by Seniors who have got success than trying to find a new path on ur own..
U have around 10 months from now.
There r two ways.. Either read theory or MCQ explanation. I followed the MCQ
I will give u a formula. U r success can be divided in to
60% what u do in internship
20% what u did in past 4 yrs
10% luck
and remaining 10% cant be achieved no matter what u read
How to achieve 60%-
Start from the 2nd month of internship, or at least 10 months before exams.
All r at the same position when u start preparation , may be one or two percent more than u,, but its the not start,, its the end which matters the most.
U need to do following books minimum
Pulse-6 times
Gourishankar- 4 times
Bhatia-3 times
Neeraj wadhwan-3 times
Jatin kalra-2 times(optional)
Duggal 2 times(optional)
Bytes-2 times
Mudit khanna-3 times
Dental Explore and books of aiims and aipg papers by Dr.Naveen Choudary - 3 times
National Boards
Our Own book "Dental Quest"
I repeat.. Its the minimum time.. If u start early u can finish the pulse 7-9 times for sure and rest books 2 times more than what i mentioned
U need complete this task this before dec.. And in jan u have only time to do pulse and just the dental papers and just question and answer from mudit khanna
How to achieve 20%
If u have not read some good books in past then don't worry.. read the explanation given in the mcq books
Order of reading
Do pulse completely once excluding synopsis. Takes 2 month at 1st reading.The in next reading do a subject from gourishankar followed by the same in pulse. complete both book in this order but this time with synposis
Next reading do a subject from bhatia and then same in gourishankar and then
pulse.. Make sure, u should try to remember all repeated question from pulse.
So when u reach till bhatia start reading Neeraj wadhwan side by side.
Complete one round again..
So u have already done pulse 3 time now .Now u start reading Mudit khanna...One papers of mudit khanna takes around 10 hours..so do it in parts.
When u finish mudit khanna 1st round u will have u r aiims exams. So make sure u complete mudit khanna before nov.. Do pulse again in 15 days beofore aims. and may be PGI in dec.. So when u come back revise pulse gourshanakr and other books.. but these two books are imp for state entrance apart from solving papers..
and do mudit khanna also may be only recent papers.
So in jan do revision again for 15 days.. and when u come back after aipg just do pulse and old papers ..U can give State entrance, Mahe, Kahe, Abshetty, and if u want Siddarth dental colleg, Yennpoya, Jss and may be SDM next time if it becomes deemed.
Read only question papers the day before the exam and sleep atlest for 10 hours.
And Dont get distracted from studies no matter what the situation is. Never worry about fees.. Get the best rank first.. u will have enough of time to think about fees later
Joining a test series will give a added advantage too.. It will help u to
remember things which r repeated too often in exams. and that too will help to have that fear about exam, but the ultimate result depends on once own effort. Never follow the test series timetable for ur preparation.. U need to plan according to the time and number of revisions u need to do before giving the final exam..
Remember one thing.. The key to success is to remember as many things as possible.. Read for at least 10hours when u complete internship.. Needs dedication. Nobody knows that he will be the topper in exms..
So Aim for aipg .. but its the time, luck and hard work which can buy u that.. but for state entrance u need to mug up total pulse and gourishankar,, and recent papers .But never try for short cuts.. reach till Mudith khana and i am sure u will best in all exam.
Believe me, if u have failed once that does not mean u will fail again[:)].. u just have to find where u went wrong.. but whats imp is giving 100% effort and not 99.99%
there r lot many paths when it comes to entrance and no path will assure success at the start.. u ask in those 500 student who cleared exam, they will tell u around 500 ways of preparation
but its up to u choose the best in those and stick to that , but u also need to remember that all r different.. i got a seat that does not mean that evrybody will get a seat if they follow my route, but that also means that u might get a better a seat than me...
so it has both advantages and disadvantages
but the problem is u really cant sail in two boats at a time... so select one strict to one... and work for it till the end... and for the result .. nobody , even a topper will be sure of getting a seat when he/she starts preparation... but they dont leave the prepration in the midway.. thats what is imp..
but u all can go for a retrograde study..for exp u can read only those few imp topics from the textbooks,,not it all depends.i had read all std books in my ug so was not that keen to read them again, and even my senior showed me the same path of mcq preparation
few tips for all-
1) never listen to others when they say its not possible.. be away from them
2) u dont have to be topper to get a seat,, but ya.. they might be good
3) never fall in love during prep.. fall either before or later :D
4) be with someone who is equally serious about studies
5) stop all the fun.. may be u can take break on sunday . its better to loose fun to get something more later
6) always read all new editions
7) give all the exam , if u can afford to pay the exam fee,, but that does not mean that u need to take a seat there... its just for practice
8) make u r parents understand that thats what is imp for u right now
9) its one mans game.. friends r u r competitors now.. remember that.. u might be good to them but they might now
10) dont loose the hope till the end.. all will start but the winner is the one who ends it
11) make up in mind that its now or never
12) and do MDS as a dream ,,and achieve it
13) revise , revise and revise
14) make a time table and allot time for each subjects.. , mark the subjects in that and try to finish it in that time
15) once u finish few revisions u need to change the prep plan..give imp to those points which u forget and give less time for others...
16) give more imp for synopsis after 2-3 revisions as they will come as new questions
17) call the publishers and try to get the new papers before its out in u city shops so that u get more time
18) give aiims and pgi as a revision exam and not to get a seat.. u will come to know how much u remember in repeated questions. so that means u should atleast finish 2- 3 revision of pulse and 2 of others
19) try to read medical papers.. they might come or not but they will make u r mind stronger
20) dont leave any book now.. its better work now rather than regret later
21) last.. sleep well.. eat well.. and read from start.. its time to be serious about life.. this is the right moment.. work hard now,, and at the end before exam u will surely relax more
Believe me.. Not because i got a seat,, Because i followed what my seniors said to me and thats why I succeed.
Kcet 6th,,
PGI-18th, ,
abshetty 23rd,
Manipal 71 and
comed 55th and
kahe 43.
Anyway did not got rank in AIPG may be because i did not do national boards.But I guess my other ranks are worth.. As this was my First and Last attempt without spending another year for coaching..
I am not the only guy who has done this
Who knows. u might be the topper next time
Read well..
best of luck
do read my new blog about entrance on
(This is just to help new aspirants and not for publicity and I am sure if u look , u will find many who have achieved more than this.. So find them out [:)] )
Dr.Suresh Shenvi
Dr. suresh i know u from our exams of aiims,really something different in u . its bad luck u dint selected in aipg but u r really eligible to b in top 10. hard luck
this blog of urs is really good for MDS aspirants
they will definitely benefited
keep this work on
TC god blesss
do best in ur MDS life
hey great work buddy..it definately gives some insight into how 2 prepare and even some amount of inspiration and motivation..and not to forget,do keep up the good work..
Well... to be frank.. i dont know what to say.... i just asjed a question in TIPS for MDS preparation forum....the question was - can i crack AIPG if i start from ground zero now... i think i got the answer....:-(
thank u vry much sir...u r really doin vry well 4 clearin d doubts of students on their way of preparin 4 mds entrance...god bless..
hi sir,thanks 4 ur gud work.now i got 2 know how 2 plan n prepare.But hav 1 douth ,bcoz i m doing self study n books lik pulse hav metioned refrences relating 2 some mcqs.I hav only few mentioned refrence books.Now how 2 go about,simply muss up?
plz suggest me wht 2 do.waiting 4 ur advice.
hi sir,thanks 4 ur gud work.now i got 2 know how 2 plan n prepare.But hav 1 douth ,bcoz i m doing self study n books lik pulse hav metioned refrences relating 2 some mcqs.I hav only few mentioned refrence books.Now how 2 go about,simply muss up?
plz suggest me wht 2 do.waiting 4 ur advice.
thank you so much sir, its really great help and i got a rough outline on how to go about it....
i am starting today.
great advice sir...
thank u so much sir.god bless you.......
thanx alot sir. all my doubt r cleard .once again thank u vry much sir
ur advice is very helpful
it has given me an idea till how much time i should complete my syllabus
thanx sir
thank u sir... u r really inspiring...
thank u
really sir its our previlage that people like u are thr in dentistry otherwise we would hv been in dark....without ny guidence,..
hello sir ur words r indeed vry inspiring..thanks a ton sir!!
thanx a lot sir. dis vl really help
Dr. Suresh..thats really loads of advice.. wat u said is 110% correct..dedication & hard work. this is gonna be my 3rd attempt. i esp liked the pt abt not foll the test series timetable.. i got mixed up due to that last time.. n its ur own confidence thats gonna count the most.. keep the good work man..
Very inspiring, informative and well said Dr. Suresh... luckily i cleared through entrance last year which was my my third attempt.. you have very nicely expressed your views which will will surely help all PG aspirants...
ur blog is too inspiring.
i am ur fan
nicely written .
hi sir...u r really very inspiring...i hav recently given ap pg..reslts r nt out yet...bt i hav startd preparing for aiims...ur guidlines will b very useful to students who r really vry serious abt mds...thanks a lot sir..i hav read evrythng in all d communities,where evr u hav ur suggestions...they r really vry good...thank u again..
Watch out for me,soon i will be crossing the path you treaded once.
ps:thanks a tonne ,ummm for everything out here.
thank u for all those comments :)
thank u sooooo much sir.nw i got hw to prepare 4 my examz.really u inspired me a lot .god bls
thank u sooooo much sir.nw i got hw to prepare 4 my examz.really u inspired me a lot .god bls
thanks a lot sir.
Sir, it was one of d best articles i have ever read. many ppl win but only few of them share n i respect u for that. It gives lot of confidence . i'l try going in ur path rather than jus creating my own stratergies. keep up d good work sir. but pls do write more
thank u sir, it's really helpful for me...
thanz sir.....
jus wanna ask shud v study our syllabus buks ist or sise by side or jus right away start wid dese entrance buks......
hi sir , i am a B.D.S 2nd year student.I am really ambitious of getting through M.D.S entrance exam in my first attempt.The guidance you have given is great but from 2013 onwards thee will not be any rotatory internship in B.D.S i.e initially there was 4 year theory and 1 year internship but now its 5years theory including internship i.e no semester system in final year like it was initially at your time..........i'll b completing my B.D.S in 2014,so please guide me as how to prepare for m.d.s entrance. As i am a girl if i dont get throug the exam my parents will surely marry me without letting me wait for another chance...i am a good student and i regularly put in 5-6 houra of self syudy everyday.......
should i start preparing from now onwards????????????
thanx a lot dr.suresh !!! u have been a great help ... all the points r precise !!! n perfect !!! very few people give true advices like u !!!! otherwise as this is a competetive exam ...everybody thinks of their own .....
well being positive n being sure is very important here ....
my first attempt for entrance ..
once again thanx a lot !!!!
readers .. my new blog will help u more.. pls read it if u find time.the link is here.
Dr.Suresh shenvi
juz a word-THANKQ SOOO MUCH....u made me realize hw much time i have been wasting.......
if i just read through pulse dentest and bytes thoroughly is it enough/
great advice sir..im sure it wil help me alot me preparing for 2012 MDS entrance exams...thanx a ton
Thanks a lot 4 guidance..actualy when u think of giving exams,u dnt know hw 2 prepare 4 it,which buks to refer,hw much time 2 b given 4 each subject...by reading ur article..v got al d answers..thank u very much
hello sir
its a great effort by u to make this blog available to all
ca u plz tell us which books are to be read and are fruitful for etrance point of view other than mcq books
can u elist the textbooks and ay other helpful materials available other than mcq books
thank u for all the comments guys..I would like to answer ur questions.. but not here.. pls mail me at sureshshenvi123@gmail.com
Thanx so much sir. Ur blog helpd me a lot. I got evry ans of my question list.. U r just amazing. Doing a superb job. May God bless you n fulfil all your wishes. Thanx once again.
thank u for all the comments guys..I would like to answer ur questions.. but not here.. pls mail me at sureshshenvi123@gmail.com
hi,dr.suresh i jst wanna 2 know whether i hav 2 read bds books or not at all.
hi sir..ur blog was very inspiring indeed...thanks a ton..
thanks a ton Dr. suresh sir.. ur advice is so inspiring n yet so practical.. m sure u ll cntinue to help all such aspirants like me for years to come.. commendable job! :)
@suresh,..... i hv some correctiom,regarding ur book dental quest.. qu. no.26..aipg2011......answer is oxygen dissociated curve shifts to left..gvn in harrison........pls replie me @dr.bharatbiradar@yahoo.com
@suresh,.....ur book is realy nice..jst need sm correction. i hv some correctiom,regarding ur book dental quest.. qu. no.26..aipg2011......answer is oxygen dissociated curve shifts to left..gvn in harrison........ qu.no.45...answr is virus....question no.176...answer is protein synthesis...harison. pls replie me @dr.bharatbiradar@yahoo.com.thank u
thanks, sir. ill be following ur method for MDS preparation...
thank u so much sir.god bless you.......
thanx a lot sir.
ur words r indeed vry inspiring..thanks a ton sir!!
Thank u so much sir,its really vry inspiring,i wil surely follow ur suggestions:) thanx alot
hey thanx doc...really nice advice.
thank u sir for ur guidance....is dental pulse come from different authors..i m confused which author's is to be done.plz help me..
thanks sir....
A very detailed article to help MDS aspirants. A little advice for my fellow dentists, don't be disheartened looking at the list of books. You can remember anything using various memory tricks and techniques.
For more information on memory techniques specially for dentists log on to my website www.dentaltreats.webs.com. Also, my book on the same, launching soon. Need your wishes and suggestions.
ua ryt smart work s better than hard work..vry nice advise thank u sir:)
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